Source code for pyad.adobject

import adsearch
import pyadutils
from adbase import *

[docs]class ADObject(ADBase): """Python object that represents any active directory object.""" _ldap_adsi_obj = None _gc_adsi_obj = None _schema_adsi_obj = None _domain_pyad_obj = None _mandatory_attributes = None _optional_attributes = None _py_ad_object_mappings = {} def __set_adsi_obj(self, distinguished_name): """Internal method that creates the connection to the backend ADSI object.""" if self.default_username and self.default_password: # from # With the LDAP provider for Active Directory, you may pass in # lpszUserName as one of the following strings: # (1) The name of a user account, such as "jeffsmith". To use a user name # by itself, you must set only the ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION flag # in the lnReserved parameter. # (2) The user path from a previous version of Windows NT, such # as "Fabrikam\jeffsmith". # (3) Distinguished Name, such as "CN=Jeff Smith, OU=Sales, # DC=Fabrikam,DC=Com". To use a DN, the lnReserved parameter # must be zero or it must include the ADS_USE_SSL flag # (4) User Principal Name (UPN), such as "". # To use a UPN, you must assign the appropriate UPN value for the # userPrincipalName attribute of the target user object. # In order to be consistent (and because troubleshooting this # is horrid), we're just going to force user name to be of form # (1) or (4) and document it. Offhand, I'm not seeing any # use cases where (3) would allow something not possible in # the combinations of options (1), or (4). _ds = self.adsi_provider.getObject('', "LDAP:") if self.default_ldap_authentication_flag > 0: flag = self.default_ldap_authentication_flag else: # I'm choosing to force encryption of the login credentials. # This does not require SSL to be configured, so I believe this # should work for everyone. If not, we can change later. flag = ADS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE['ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION'] if self.default_ssl: flag = flag | ADS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE['ADS_USE_ENCRYPTION'] self._ldap_adsi_obj = _ds.OpenDSObject( self.__ads_path, self.default_username, self.default_password, flag) elif self.default_ssl: raise Exception("Using SSL without specifying credentials is currently unsupported due to what appears to be a bug in pywin32.") # from: # If ADS_USE_SSL is not combined with the ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION # flag and the supplied credentials are NULL, the bind will be # performed anonymously. If ADS_USE_SSL is combined with the # ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION flag and the supplied credentials # are NULL, then the credentials of the calling thread are used. flag = ADS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE['ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION'] | \ ADS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE['ADS_USE_ENCRYPTION'] _ds = self.adsi_provider.getObject('', "LDAP:") self._ldap_adsi_obj = _ds.OpenDSObject( self.__ads_path, None, # username None, # password flag) else: self._ldap_adsi_obj = self.adsi_provider.getObject('', self.__ads_path) def __init__(self, distinguished_name=None, adsi_ldap_com_object=None, options={}): if adsi_ldap_com_object: self._ldap_adsi_obj = adsi_ldap_com_object elif distinguished_name: self._set_defaults(options) self.__ads_path = pyadutils.generate_ads_path(distinguished_name, self.default_ldap_protocol, self.default_ldap_server, self.default_ldap_port ) self.__set_adsi_obj(distinguished_name) else: raise Exception("Either a distinguished name or a COM object must be provided to create an ADObject") # by pulling the DN from object instead of what is passed in, # we guarantee correct capitalization self.__distinguished_name = self.get_attribute('distinguishedName', False) self.__object_guid = self.get_attribute('objectGUID', False) if self.__object_guid is not None: self.__object_guid = pyadutils.convert_guid(self.__object_guid) # Set pyAD Object Type occn = self.get_attribute('objectCategory',False) if occn: # pull out CN from DN object_category_cn = occn.split('=',1)[1].split(",",1)[0] # some object categories are not very human readable # so we provide the option to override if object_category_cn in PYAD_CATEGORY_TYPE_OVERRIDE_MAPPPINGS: self._type = PYAD_CATEGORY_TYPE_OVERRIDE_MAPPPINGS[object_category_cn] else: self._type = object_category_cn.lower() else: # Sometimes you don't have acccess to objectCategory attribute, # try, with objectClass attribute objClass = self.get_attribute('objectClass',True) if 'domain' in objClass: self._type = 'domain' elif 'user' in objClass: self._type = 'user' elif 'organizationalUnit' in objClass: self._type = 'organizationalUnit' else: self._type = 'unknown' @classmethod
[docs] def from_guid(cls, guid, options={}): "Generates ADObject based on GUID" guid = "<GUID=%s>" % guid.strip('}').strip('{') return cls.from_dn(guid, options)
[docs] def from_dn(cls, distinguished_name, options={}): "Generates ADObject based on distinguished name" return cls(distinguished_name, None, options)
@classmethod def from_cn(cls, cn, search_base=None, options={}): return cls(adsearch.by_cn(cn, search_base, options), None, options) @classmethod
[docs] def from_com_object(cls, com_object): "Generates ADObject based on an existing ADSI com object" return cls(distinguished_name=None, adsi_ldap_com_object=com_object)
def __get_prefixed_cn(self): prefix = 'ou' if self.type == 'organizationalUnit' else 'cn' return '='.join((prefix, self.get_attribute(prefix, False))) def __get_object_sid(self): sid = self.objectSid return pyadutils.convert_sid(sid) if sid else None dn = property(fget=lambda self: self.__distinguished_name, doc="Distinguished Name (DN) of the object") prefixed_cn = property(fget=__get_prefixed_cn, doc="Prefixed CN (such as 'cn=mycomputer' or 'ou=mycontainer' of the object") guid = property(fget=lambda self: self.__object_guid, doc="Object GUID of the object") adsPath = property(fget=lambda self: self.__ads_path, doc="ADsPath of Active Directory object (such as 'LDAP://cn=me,...,dc=com'") type = property(fget=lambda self: self._type, doc="pyAD object type (user, computer, group, organizationalUnit, domain).") parent_container_path = property(fget=lambda self: self.dn.split(',',1)[1], doc="Returns the DN of the object's parent container.") guid_str = property(fget=lambda self: str(self.guid)[1:-1], doc="Object GUID of the object") sid = property(fget=__get_object_sid, doc='Get the SID of the Active Directory object') def __hash__(self): # guid is always unique so that we can depend on that for providing a unique hash return hash(self.guid) def __str__(self): return "<%s '%s'>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.dn) __repr__ = __str__ def __cmp__(self, other): # it doesn't make sense why you'd ever have to decide # if one GUID was larger than the other, # but it's important to be able to know if two # pyAD objects represent the same AD object. if (self.guid == other.guid): return 0 elif (self.guid < other.guid): return -1 else: return 1 def __getattr__(self, attribute): # allow people to call for random attributes on the ADObject # as long as they exist in Active Directory. if hasattr(self._ldap_adsi_obj, attribute): return self.get_attribute(attribute, False) else: raise AttributeError(attribute) def _flush(self): "Commits any changes to the AD object." return self._ldap_adsi_obj.SetInfo() def __set_gc_adsi_obj(self): if self._gc_adsi_obj: return if self.default_ldap_authentication_flag > 0: _ds = self.adsi_provider.getObject('', self.default_ldap_protocol+":") path = pyadutils.generate_ads_path( self.dn, 'GC', self.default_gc_server, self.default_gc_port ) self._ldap_adsi_obj = _ds.OpenDSObject(path, self.default_username, self.default_password, self.default_ldap_authentication_flag ) else: self._gc_adsi_obj = self.adsi_provider.GetObject('', pyadutils.generate_ads_path(self.dn, 'GC', options.get('server'), options.get('port') ) ) def __set_gc_adsi_obj(self): path = pyadutils.generate_ads_path( self.dn, 'GC', self.default_gc_server, self.default_gc_port ) if self.default_username and self.default_password: _ds = self.adsi_provider.getObject('', "LDAP:") flag = ADS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE['ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION'] if self.default_ssl: flag = flag | ADS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE['ADS_USE_ENCRYPTION'] self._gc_adsi_obj = _ds.OpenDSObject( path, self.default_username, self.default_password, flag) else: self._gc_adsi_obj = self.adsi_provider.GetObject('', path) def _init_global_catalog_object(self, force=False, options={}): """Initializes the global catalog ADSI com object to be used when querying the global catalog instead of the domain directly.""" if not self._gc_adsi_obj and not force: self._set_defaults(options) self.__set_gc_adsi_obj() def _init_schema_object(self): if not self._schema_adsi_obj: self._schema_adsi_obj = win32com.client.GetObject(self._ldap_adsi_obj.schema)
[docs] def get_mandatory_attributes(self): """Returns a list of mandatory attributes for the particular object. These attributes are guaranteed to be defined.""" self._init_schema_object() if not self._mandatory_attributes: self._mandatory_attributes = list(self._schema_adsi_obj.MandatoryProperties) return self._mandatory_attributes
[docs] def get_optional_attributes(self): """Returns a list of optional attributes for the particular object. These attributes may be defined, but are not guaranteed to be.""" self._init_schema_object() if not self._optional_attributes: self._optional_attributes = list(self._schema_adsi_obj.OptionalProperties) return self._optional_attributes
[docs] def get_allowed_attributes(self): """Returns a list of allowed attributes for the particular object. These attributes may be defined, but are not guaranteed to be.""" return list(set(self.get_mandatory_attributes() + self.get_optional_attributes()))
[docs] def get_attribute(self, attribute, always_return_list=True, source='LDAP'): """Returns the value of any allowable LDAP attribute of the specified object. Keyword arguments: attribute -- any schema-allowed LDAP attribute (case insensitive). The attribute does not need to be defined. always_return_list -- if an attribute has a single value, this specifies whether to return only the value or to return a list containing the single value. Similarly, if true, a query on an undefined attribute will return an empty list instead of a None object. If querying an attribute known to only contain at most one element, then it is easier to set to false. Otherwise, if querying a potentially multi-valued attribute, it is safest to leave at default. source -- either 'LDAP' or 'GC' Note to experienced ADSI users: - If an attribute is undefined, getAttribute() will return None or [] and will not choke on the attribute. - In regards to always_return_list, True has similar behavior to getEx() whereas False is similar to Get().""" if not hasattr(self._ldap_adsi_obj, attribute): raise InvalidAttribute(self.dn, attribute) else: try: if source == 'LDAP': value = self._ldap_adsi_obj.GetEx(attribute) elif source == 'GC': self._init_global_catalog_object() value = self._gc_adsi_obj.GetEx(attribute) if len(value) == 1 and not always_return_list: return value[0] else: return list(value) # this just means that the attribute doesn't have a value which # we imply means null instead of throwing an error.. except pywintypes.com_error, excpt: if pyadutils.interpret_com_exception(excpt)['error_constant'] == 'E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND': return [] if always_return_list else None else: pyadutils.pass_up_com_exception(excpt, {'attribute':attribute})
def _set_attribute(self, attribute, action, new_value): if not hasattr(self._ldap_adsi_obj, attribute): raise InvalidAttribute(self.dn, attribute) else: try: self._ldap_adsi_obj.putEx(action, attribute, new_value) except pywintypes.com_error, excpt: pyadutils.pass_up_com_exception(excpt)
[docs] def clear_attribute(self, attribute): """Clears (removes) the specified LDAP attribute from the object. Identical to setting the attribute to None or [].""" if self.get_attribute(attribute) != []: self._set_attribute(attribute, 1, []) self._flush()
[docs] def update_attribute(self, attribute, newvalue, no_flush=False): """Updates any mutable LDAP attribute for the object. If you are adding or removing values from a multi-valued attribute, see append_to_attribute and remove_from_attribute.""" if newvalue in ((),[],None,''): return self.clear_attribute(attribute) elif pyadutils.generate_list(newvalue) != self.get_attribute(attribute): self._set_attribute(attribute, 2, pyadutils.generate_list(newvalue)) if not no_flush: self._flush()
[docs] def update_attributes(self, attribute_value_dict): """Updates multiple attributes in a single transaction attribute_value_dict should contain a dictionary of values keyed by attribute name""" for k, v in attribute_value_dict.iteritems(): self.update_attribute(k,v,True) self._flush()
[docs] def append_to_attribute(self, attribute, valuesToAppend): """Appends values in list valuesToAppend to the specified multi-valued attribute. valuesToAppend can contain a single value or a list of multiple values.""" difference = list(set(pyadutils.generate_list(valuesToAppend)) \ - set(self.get_attribute(attribute))) if len(difference) != 0: self._set_attribute(attribute,3,difference) self._flush()
[docs] def remove_from_attribute(self, attribute, valuesToRemove): """Removes any values in list valuesToRemove from the specified multi-valued attribute.""" difference = list(set(pyadutils.generate_list(valuesToRemove)) \ & set(self.get_attribute(attribute))) if len(difference) != 0: self._set_attribute(attribute,4,difference) self._flush()
[docs] def get_user_account_control_settings(self): """Returns a dictionary of settings stored within UserAccountControl. Expected keys for the dictionary are the same as keys in the ADS_USER_FLAG dictionary. Further information on these values can be found at""" d = {} auc = self.get_attribute('UserAccountControl',False) for key, value in ADS_USER_FLAG.iteritems(): d[key] = True if auc & value == value else False return d
[docs] def set_user_account_control_setting(self, userFlag, newValue): """Sets a single setting in UserAccountControl. UserFlag must be a value from ADS_USER_FLAG dictionary keys. More information can be found at newValue accepts boolean values""" if userFlag not in ADS_USER_FLAG.keys(): raise InvalidValue("userFlag",userFlag,list(ADS_USER_FLAG.keys())) elif newValue not in (True, False): raise InvalidValue("newValue",newValue,[True,False]) else: # retreive the userAccountControl as if it didn't have the flag in question set. if self.get_attribute('userAccountControl',False) & ADS_USER_FLAG[userFlag] : nv = self.get_attribute('userAccountControl',False) ^ ADS_USER_FLAG[userFlag] else: nv = self.get_attribute('userAccountControl',False) # if the flag is true, then the value is present and # we add it to the starting point with B-OR. # Otherwise, if it's false, it's just not present, # so we leave it without any mention of the flag as in previous step. if newValue: nv = nv | ADS_USER_FLAG[userFlag] self.update_attribute('userAccountControl',nv)
[docs] def disable(self): try: if self._ldap_adsi_obj.AccountDisabled == False: self._ldap_adsi_obj.AccountDisabled = True self._flush() except pywintypes.com_error, excpt: pyadutils.pass_up_com_exception(excpt)
[docs] def enable(self): try: if self._ldap_adsi_obj.AccountDisabled == True: self._ldap_adsi_obj.AccountDisabled = False self._flush() except pywintypes.com_error, excpt: pyadutils.pass_up_com_exception(excpt)
def _get_password_last_set(self): # # kudos to return pyadutils.convert_datetime(self.get_attribute('pwdLastSet', False))
[docs] def move(self, new_ou_object): """Moves the object to a new organizationalUnit. new_ou_object expects a ADContainer object where the current object will be moved to.""" try: new_path = self.default_ldap_protocol + '://' + self.dn new_ou_object._ldap_adsi_obj.MoveHere(new_path, self.prefixed_cn) new_ou_object._flush() except pywintypes.com_error, excpt: pyadutils.pass_up_com_exception(excpt) new_dn = ','.join((self.prefixed_cn, new_ou_object.dn)) time.sleep(.5) self.__ads_path = pyadutils.generate_ads_path(new_dn, self.default_ldap_protocol, self.default_ldap_server, self.default_ldap_port) self.__set_adsi_obj() self.__set_gc_adsi_obj() self.__distinguished_name = self.get_attribute('distinguishedName', False)
[docs] def rename(self, new_name, set_sAMAccountName=True): """Renames the current object within its current organizationalUnit. new_name expects the new name of the object (just CN not prefixed CN or distinguishedName).""" parent = self.parent_container if self.type == 'organizationalUnit': pcn = 'ou=' else: pcn = 'cn=' pcn += new_name try: if self.type in ('user', 'computer', 'group') and set_sAMAccountName: self._ldap_adsi_obj.Put('sAMAccountName', new_name) new_path = self.default_ldap_protocol+'://' + self.dn parent._ldap_adsi_obj.MoveHere(new_path, pcn) parent._flush() except pywintypes.com_error, excpt: pyadutils.pass_up_com_exception(excpt) new_dn = ','.join((pcn, parent.dn)) time.sleep(.5) self.__ads_path = pyadutils.generate_ads_path(new_dn, self.default_ldap_protocol, self.default_ldap_server, self.default_ldap_port) self.__set_adsi_obj() self.__set_gc_adsi_obj() self.__distinguishedName = self.get_attribute('distinguishedName', False)
[docs] def add_to_group(self, group): """Adds current object to the specified group. group expects an ADGroup object.""" group.add_members(self)
[docs] def remove_from_group(self, group): """Removes current object from the specified group. group expects an ADGroup object to which the current object belongs.""" group.remove_members(self)
[docs] def set_managedby(self, user): """Sets managedBy on object to the specified user""" if user: assert manager.__class__.__str__ == 'ADUser' self.update_attribute('managedBy', user.dn) else: self.clear_attribute('managedBy')
[docs] def clear_managedby(self): """Sets object to be managedBy nobody""" return self.set_manager(None)
[docs] def dump_to_xml(self, whitelist_attributes=[], blacklist_attributes=[]): if len(whitelist_attributes) == 0: whitelist_attributes = self.get_allowed_attributes() attributes = list(set(whitelist_attributes) - set(blacklist_attributes)) doc = xml.Document() adobj_xml_doc = doc.createElement("ADObject") adobj_xml_doc.setAttribute("objectGUID", str(self.guid).lstrip('{').rstrip('}')) adobj_xml_doc.setAttribute("pyADType", self.type) doc.appendChild(adobj_xml_doc) for attribute in attributes: node = doc.createElement("attribute") node.setAttribute("name", attribute) value = self.get_attribute(attribute,False) if str(type(value)).split("'",2)[1] not in ('buffer','instance') and value is not None: if type(value) is not list: try: ok_elem=True node.setAttribute("type", str(type(value)).split("'",2)[1]) try: text = doc.createTextNode(str(value)) except: text = doc.createTextNode(value.encode("latin-1", 'replace')) node.appendChild(text) except: print 'attribute: %s not xml-able' % attribute else: node.setAttribute("type", "multiValued") ok_elem = False try: for item in value: if str(type(item)).split("'",2)[1] not in ('buffer','instance') and value is not None: valnode = doc.createElement("value") valnode.setAttribute("type", str(type(item)).split("'",2)[1]) text = doc.createTextNode(str(item)) valnode.appendChild(text) node.appendChild(valnode) ok_elem=True except: print 'attribute: %s not xml-able' % attribute if ok_elem: adobj_xml_doc.appendChild(node) return doc.toxml(encoding="UTF-8")
[docs] def adjust_pyad_type(self): """Adjusts pyAD class to match object pyad type.""" if self.type in self._py_ad_object_mappings.keys(): self.__class__ = self._py_ad_object_mappings[self.type] else: raise Exception("Unkown type. Adjustment not possible.")
def __get_parent_container(self): q = ADObject.from_dn(self.parent_container_path, options = self._make_options()) q.adjust_pyad_type() return q parent_container = property(__get_parent_container)
[docs] def delete(self): parent = self.parent_container if not parent: raise Exception("Object does not have a parent container. Cannot be deleted") else: parent.remove_child(self)